Ranking | Players | Top Player | Top Clan | |
Left 4 Dead 2 | Players Clans | 0/4 | Lucy | - |
Team Fortress 2 | 2Fort | Players Clans | 0/67 | [heh]Sirofficialpotato | of_ |
Team Fortress 2 | Achievement | Players Clans | 0/25 | Obi Wan Cannoli | - |
Team Fortress 2 | Classwars | Players Clans | 1 (23)/133 | Camus | The_ |
Team Fortress 2 | Mann vs. Machine | Players Clans | 0/20 | Schizo MeeM | F2P |
Team Fortress 2 | Trade | Players Clans | 1/48 | The Biggest of All Birds | The_ |
797,576 players and 11,397 clans ranked in 6 games on 11 servers